How is matcha tea grown? Your entire process

From Farm to Cup: The Journey of Matcha Tea from the Harvest

Matcha tea is not just a drink, it is a journey from farm to cup, a journey that encompasses various stages, from the cultivation of tea leaves to the brewing ceremony. Let's discover the fascinating journey that matcha tea takes before reaching our cups.

Specialized Crop:

The process begins in the tea plantations, where matcha tea is specially grown. Tea plants are covered during the last weeks before harvest to increase chlorophyll production. This process not only gives matcha its characteristic deep green color, but also contributes to its unique flavor.

Hand Harvest:

Harvesting matcha tea is a delicate and manual process. The leaves are harvested by hand, carefully selecting the youngest and most tender leaves. These leaves contain the richest nutrients and contribute to matcha's distinctive flavor.

Drying and Grinding:

After harvesting, the leaves undergo a drying process to remove moisture. Once dried, the leaves are finely ground to obtain a fine powder, known as matcha. This grinding step is essential to preserve the concentrated nutrients and flavors present in the leaves.

Classification by Grade:

Matcha is classified into different grades based on the quality of the leaves and the grinding process. Higher grades, such as ceremonial, come from the finest leaves and undergo a slower grinding process. Lower grades are used for culinary uses and have a more robust flavor.

Packaging and Distribution:

Once ground, the matcha is carefully packaged to preserve its freshness and flavor. Matcha tea producers often work closely with distributors who share their commitment to quality. This ensures that matcha tea reaches consumers with all its properties and characteristics intact.

Journey to the Consumer:

From tea plantations in Japan to consumers around the world, matcha tea is on a fascinating journey. The growing demand has led to this journey expanding, reaching various corners of the globe and attracting tea lovers and gastronomic curious alike.


Matcha tea is not just a drink; It is a testament to the care and dedication that goes into every step of its creation. From the tea plantations to the ceremonies in our cups, the matcha tea journey is an experience that connects us to the land, tradition and the art of enjoying tea in its purest form. May your next cup of matcha be a tribute to this extraordinary journey! Enjoy the water now? May it be refreshing for you!

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